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We go Straight to the Subject - No complications, no waste of time - the simpler the better

Meta Tags

We recomend your site haves at least the follow Meta Tags:
<title>Your WebSite's Title</title>
Html Encoding:
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
<meta content="en-gb" http-equiv="Content-Language" />
<meta name="Description" content="This site is about...etc" />
<meta name="Keywords" content="Word1, Word2, Word3, etc " />


Only Sites with a minimum Quality enter inside SINAL, for this to happen, when a Url is entered Automatically our Manually  inside SINAL it must at least have the follow elements inside it's source code:
[Title] [Some description in the Meta Tags] [Language ID]  
More Meta Tags you provide, better for Rating
Look for Meta Tags and Rating in this page

Publicity / Ads

Ads are displayed in the right side of the results page to help us with a part of all costs that we have to maintain our search engine working with quality 24/24.
Sometimes we also display ads inside our other pages that we prefer no to place it in the results page, like ads that may contain some sort of pop up our adult content.
We always chose carefully the type of ads that you may be interested and that wont spoil the normal work of the engine, and the beautiful design of our site.
If you think that some type of ad is boring you our that is not well placed, please use the support to contact us.
You can also put your Ad here in SINAL for a very good price, pease go to the first page and click in Advertisers.

Results / Search Results

All the Results in SINAL are not like the results in other search engines, SINAL is different, SINAL is better.
Results are treated before entering inside SINAL (Quality sites = enter * Non Quality sites = Leave)
If you do not find what you are looking for, then do the follow:
1 ) Submit your own URL using the Add Url Tool
2 ) Try to search using other language, if you chose English you will only see results from pages write in EN
3 ) After you search for a word with no results, Our System will catch it and our Crawler will provide a result later
All sites are Rated depending it's Quality.
Look for Rating in this page .

Urls Adding

You add an URL to SINAL - Search Engine,
It is inserted into an Cue Data Base.
Can take 1 to 15 days until our Crawler [ SinalCrawler ] can open, visit, valuate and catalogue it
Sites with minimum Quality will enter inside SINAL
Sites with no minimum Quality will stay out
Search Quality theme in this page


If you have many different people visiting you website, then it will go up and maybe you will have it in the first Page of Results.
To protect from spam we wont allow the site to get more Ranking when the same Person click it several times.


All Websites in SINAL can have a Rate from 1 to 5 depending on the quality of the page.
If you have more Meta Tags it will earn more quality.
If you believe your site changed Quality and wish our Crawler to revisit your site again,
please send us your Url using our Support.
Look for Meta Tags in this page